Jan 9, 2013

Roll (insert smugness here) Tide

     Perhaps, when you have been an Alabamian for a long time, through birth or adoption of state, you develop a special alertness to a touch of smugness from outside the state lines the North.
     Exhibit #1: this New York Times piece about Monday night's Alabama march over Notre Dame.
     On one level, it's a compliment to the team and coach, but on another, slightly below the surface, there's that Damned Yankees anti-Southern tinge. Not as in-your-face as the Catholics vs Cousins T-shirts being sold before the game, but there nonetheless.
     Or has my sensitivity to it all gotten too easily raised up by my decades of calling Alabama home.? Your call.

1 comment:

  1. When I Worked At WABC New York, My Employers "Copped Attitude" About Me, in their feeble attempt to denigrate Me to being a "Cultural Stereotype".

    So What? I Did The Same Thing To Them!
