Aug 31, 2015

What Visitors to Montgomery See.

     There have been a lot of visitors to Alabama this year because of the Civil Rights anniversaries...but some of them are returning home with less that pleasant memories.
     The Episcopal Diocese of Washington D.C. sponsored one such trip to Haynesville, Alabama, scene of the murder of an Episcopal Seminary student who is now considered a martyr by that church.      
     Here is one comment on the church website about the trip they called "challenging":

"The pilgrims’ most difficult experience came when they visited a Stuckey’s in Hope Hull, Alabama, selling t-shirts emblazoned with the confederate flag, and the motto: “If this flag offends you, you need a history lesson.” As Clark wrote in her essay: To my dismay, the Stuckey’s cashier, flanked with actual Confederate battle flags on the counter, glared and nodded at me. In that moment, I knew that I and all the pilgrims of African descent were not welcome. So, the whole group, all 40+ pilgrims, about-faced and kept our money in our pockets.”

Read more of their comments HERE.

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