Oct 21, 2017


We're gonna need a bigger boat!

     Turns out--at least according to one interesting study---people who have a fear of snakes and spiders can blame nature rather than nurture. The study found infants with no contact with either showed fear.

"Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI CBS) in Leipzig and the Uppsala University, Sweden, recently made a crucial observation: Even in infants a stress reaction is evoked when they see a spider or a snake. And this already at the age of six months, when they are still very immobile and have had little opportunity to learn that these animals can be dangerous."

     So there. My fear of snakes (though not spiders) is hard-wired in from my ancestors---even if Saint Patrick drove them out of Ireland. (-:

1 comment:

  1. So, Tim, if you're visiting DC, stay far away from the Capitol and the White House! Plenty of snakes in those places.
