Dec 6, 2018

Alabama is ranked what?????

South Carolina is the top destination when adjusted for population size.

LendingTree created a Moving Popularity Score Index* to analyze destination states adjusted by population. South Carolina scored highest, as mortgage loan requests were 52% greater than suggested by its share of the national population. Other popular states by this metric are Florida, Delaware, Georgia and North Carolina, revealing a Southern tilt in the preferences of out-of-state homebuyers. At the other end of the spectrum, homebuyers are least attracted to South Dakota, which received just 64% of the loan requests its population would suggest. Hawaii, Minnesota, California and New York complete the bottom five.

e Moving popularity score
SC 152
FL 144
DE 138
GA 138
NC 137
TN 126
NH 125
NV 121
WV 121
AL 114
KY 111
OH 110
TX 110
AZ 109
AR 109
MS 108
IN 108
ME 104
VA 104
MT 104
OR 103
ID 103
CO 103
VT 100
WY 100
LA 99
PA 99
MO 98
OK 97
NJ 93
NM 93
MD 93
CT 89
KS 89
MI 88
UT 87
NE 86
WA 86
RI 82
IA 81
IL 79
MA 78
WI 78
AK 76
ND 75
NY 74
CA 72
MN 71
HI 67
SD 64          From Tim: Facts to consider? Lending Tree based this ranking only on people who inquired about a home loan from them, which may tilt the data a bit. Are there really many more people who want to move to Alabama than Hawaii,  New York or California? And what does "adjusted for population" mean, anyway?????????

1 comment:

  1. Seems like a very flawed study. Remember the three kinds of lies:

    1. Lies
    2. Damn lies
    3. Statistics.
