Jan 16, 2019

End the co-state Holiday for King and Lee?

(From the online petition)

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, These Two States Will Also Be Celebrating Robert E. Lee Day: Alabama and Mississippi.

Please sign this petition demanding that Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, and Mississippi all end Robert E. Lee Day immediately.

Let's be clear — Robert E. Lee was a traitor to the United States of America. After taking an oath to serve the country, Lee resigned from the U.S. Army in order to join the Confederacy's war against it. Known for his tactical brilliance, Lee was responsible for the death of over 700,000 combatants and civilians during the four-year war.

Those who laud Robert E. Lee as an American hero claim that he and the Confederacy were simply fighting for states' rights, and while there may be an inkling of truth to that, the fact is they were specifically fighting for states' rights to own black people as property.

The petition is HERE

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