Feb 7, 2013

Hasta La Vista, Alabama!

     The Onion "reports" that a big name PR firm wants the U.S. to  distance itself from....Alabama.

“At this time, we believe it’s in America’s best interests to discontinue its relationship with Alabama,” said Hill & Knowlton senior partner Dylan Feldstone, adding that the United States and Alabama were “heading in two different directions right now.” “Please note that we are not saying there is anything wrong with Alabama. It’s just that as the United States works to maintain and strengthen its worldwide reputation, we believe it is everyone’s best interests if it parts ways with the state.”

     As with most satire, there's an element of truth to the Onion "story", but no truth to the main storyline. The U.S. would never distance itself from Alabama. It needs the cheap labor.

1 comment:

  1. These people need a good lesson in what Alabama really means. Alabama is a backbone state of this country. There has been many famous people come from the heart of Alabama.
