Apr 21, 2014

MMMM # 445 -- Pictures that lie, anonymous (NOT) comments and newspaper bias.

  • The Mirror tabloid newspaper in England used a photo of a crying child to illustrate their story about food banks.
     But it was a stock photo, and some readers were crying foul.


  • A North Alabama case involves an anonymous commentator discussing a murder case. The prosecutors want al.com to turn over the name because the person appears to have information about a murder that only the killer could have. Al.com objects, with one of their lawyers saying:

Without the protection of the First Amendment, anonymous speech criticizing the performance of public officials will be chilled if such government officials can use the legal system to unmask the identity of the anonymous critic

  •      An economist at The University of Chicago has won an
    award for his research into the editorial  bias of newspapers. He found bias is the readers fault because the papers are just trying to appeal to their readers.         Which came first? The biased reader or the biased reporter? 
You can listen to an interview with him on this Friday NPR segment.
  • And there's this: A jobs website says being a newspaper reporter is the second wost job of 2014. The only worse job? Lumberjack.

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of TimLennox.com]

1 comment:

  1. "Second word job?" Do you mean "second world job"?

    The second word in the Bible is "the."
