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Feb 6, 2008

Friday FTR in new Statehouse Studio

Senator Wendell Mitchell will be our guest Friday night on FTR, the first program in our new studio in the Alabama Statehouse. If you know the building at all, you'll find it in an area downstairs where the old cafeteria was located. It required a massive effort to get the place ready for Tuesday's ribbon cutting and this week's broadcasts, and there are still some wires not quite connected. The new location may make it easier for state officials to be guests...but then again, those who don't want to be, won't be! Some day I want to do a show in which a marquee style sign on the set displays the names of folks who refuse to be guests, kind of a "wuss wall". A note to Friday's panelists: The food on the tables in the photo will not be there for Friday's show. (-: FTR airs statewide on APT at 8:00pm with a 1:00pm Sunday repeat. After that you can see it and other APT programs online at the APT website.

1 comment:

  1. "Wuss Wall"...I Love It!! Congrats on getting new digs at the State House.
