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Feb 12, 2008

Gone Fishin'...

As Associated Press story is reporting on the decline in outdoor activities, the theory being that people are spending more time in virtual outdoors (TV and Video Games) and are therefore less interested in conservation issues. Be that as it may, hunting is pretty much holding its own, while fishing peaked in the early 80's and had dropped by 25 per cent by 2005. Forgive my herasy, but fishing has never been my thing.
This photo is about the only one from my childhood with me and a fish. It was taken at a summer camp where putting worms on hooks and then convincing fish to impale themselves was seen as good wholesome recreation for kids. Note that i'm keeping my distance from the big catch...but I am smiling.
My Dad took us to a pier on Long Island to fish a few times. I was mostly bored, but TV was barely off the inventor's shelf and home computers were Science Fiction. What else was a 1950's child to do? Read?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tim!
    thanks for coming to our investigative class today! you were great! :)
