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May 2, 2008

Auburn/Immigration Roundtable

The discussion about immigration issues on the Auburn University campus went well! The event was sponsored by the University's Center For Governmental Services, and I thank Don-Terry Veal, Ph.D. for inviting me to moderate. We managed to address many of the components of the issue, including amnesty, the impact on local and county governments, and possible solutions. Everyone seemed to agree any real solution has to come from the Federal Government, but there was also some consensus that Alabama can't sit around and wait for the Feds to take action. Sen. Scott Beason was on the panel...his legislation to hold companies responsible for making sure their hires are in the U.S. legally is dead for the session.


  1. Tim,

    Is this all you have to say about the illegal immigration issue? After all the discussions you have had on the issue, you have no more to say than that the Feds have responsibility but are lax and that Alabama must do something?

    What should the Feds be doing that they are not? What should Alabama do? Why are bills to enact the laws needed not being passed?


  2. Hardly. The entire three hour event was videotaped, and if you want, contact the Center for Governmental Services at Auburn. Perhaps you can obtain a copy to watch. I was attending as a moderator, not a reporter. If I had been covering it I would have provided a complete story on the pros and cons of the various proposed actions (i.e. expanding existing Visa limits, holding employers responsible for checking status but at the same time requiring the Feds to set up an ID system for them to access...etc etc).
