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Jan 1, 2009

Ads in a Black Hole

A couple of years ago I gave in to the onslaught of cable TV ads urging me to subscribe to the print edition of The New York Times. The ads featured a variety of supposed readers rejoicing over the fun they had because the weekend Saturday & Sunday Times was delivered to their doorstep! They became smarter and better looking and wanted me, yes ME, to join NOW!, they begged. So I did, only to discover that the delivery service isn't available in Montgomery. So ironically, a story in this morning's Times is bemoaning the fact that some of the season's hottest, most widely advertised movies are only slowly trickling into theaters. And it's true. Here in the hinterlands you can watch Wall-E on a dozen screens, but there's no Milk or Frost/Nixon to be found in Montgomery and, I'm sure, in many other Alabama cities. Milk may be too gay for some theater owners to book in this red state, and maybe political considerations are blocking Front/Nixon too. In Montgomery you can usually depend on The Capri to sign on for big releases ignored by the chains, so perhaps there's hope. Sometimes that allows the non-profit group that runs the theater to strike gold, as in when nobody else grabbed "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", and the Capri was packed for two weeks. The theater is renowned for a legal battle in 1988 over the showing of The Last Temptation of Christ. Speaking of the Capri, starting this new year, they'll be serving beer and wine. Kinda fits with the artsy nature of the theater's offerings, I think, and I hope it helps with their bottom line too! It's been a tough year for them too.


  1. I keep hoping an Alabama theater will play Bill Maher's 'Religilous' but fear it will never happen due to some of the same reasons you mention 'Milk' not getting any play time down here. I get so sick of the nanny state and the religious beliefs of others interfering in my life.

  2. Hi Loretta...Maher's piece ran at the Capri in November or early December.
