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Feb 27, 2009

Postsecondary, Part II?

I've always admired Rep. Alvin Holmes willingness to speak his mind. Agree or disagree, you always knew what he thought. He was a lively, welcomed guest on FTR numberous times. An opinion piece by the head of the ASU Faculty Senate in the Montgomery Advertiser this morning offers similer praise, but also questions what it says is Holmes relatively minimal workload at ASU compared to other faculty. Oh, and there's word that Rep. Homes will retire from ASU after the Spring Semester. On the heels of the Rep. Sue Schmitz conviction, you have to wonder how long before someone asks the same questions about the state's four-year schools that were asked about the two year institutions. It's certainly not the first time that observation has been made, but I wonder: will the coming changes in U.S. Attorneys in Alabama make it more or less likely to happen?
[UPDATE: See Charles Dean's story in the Sunday 3/2/09 Birmingham News]

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