Mar 20, 2009


So once again some Alabamians of goodwill have been taken advantage of by the British actor-comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. This time at a senior citizens ballroom dancing event. He also managed to fool the Alabama National Guard (that doesn't bother me much, though I hope they take a look at their security measures). But the dancing event reminds me why I didn't go see his first movie and why I won't attend any new ones. Comedy that takes advantage of regular folks just doesn't sit well with me. The last time it was at a kind of charm school for adults in Birmingham. Now Senior Citizens. Give it up fool. These are people trying to be nice, something Southerners specialize in. No wonder he doesn't go to New York for his unkind pranks. They'd eat him alive.

1 comment:

  1. 'Round these parts (and in other areas of the nation), I can laugh at and poke fun of my family, as can my family laugh and poke fun of me.


    Let an outsider do it, and God help 'em!

    (Attempts at) "Comedy that takes advantage of regular folks just doesn't sit well with me. These are people trying to be nice, something Southerners specialize in. Give it up fool."

    Yup... 'nuff said, Tim!
