Mar 24, 2009

Health Insurance - COBRA

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is out with a new study on health insurance that shows a slightly lower percentage of Alabamians have no insurance than a few years ago. And while we're on the subject...glad to see that the Federal Stimulus program helps unemployed folks with the exorbitant cost of COBRA...continuing your health insurance after you are no longer employed...but the stimulus provision only covers workers who lost their jobs between September and December of 2008. How many tens of thousands have become unemployed since then? Why the restriction? And yes, I do have a dog in this fight. (-:

1 comment:

  1. COBRA has always been a joke. It's a rip-off to the purchaser by the insurance companies which "cherry pick" their faves. It totally defeats the entire purpose of insurance - which is to spread the risk and costs associated with the same over a very large pool of subscribers.

    I've never had it.

    Thanks be to God I'm in excellent health.

    I know of one young man who had the misfortune of needing two reconstructive knee surgeries after suffering an ATV wreck. Unfortunately and consequently, his employer fired him, and fortunately for him, because of a relative, his COBRA was paid and he had the surgeries and therapy paid for by COBRA.

    I don't think COBRA should exist, and in its stead some type of universal health care should cover everyone.

    It's a shame that our nation - arguably the wealthiest upon Earth - is not the highest ranked in healthcare costs or delivery when compared to other industrialized nations.
