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Apr 27, 2009

Hate for The Host

Have you ever disliked a radio or TV talk-show host so much that you write management? Is there someone on-air now who will make you immediately change channels when they come on? (I know for sure there are viewers/listeners who did it when I came on radio or TV, so it's only fair that I get to take a shot now, no?) My current least favorite person is Rick Sanchez on CNN. Oh, Wolf Blitzer can be annoying sometimes, and I completely avoid Lou Dobbs. But there is something absolutely grating about Sanchez' delivery and style. (From his blog: "Rick's newscast is not a CNN newscast…it's YOUR newscast!) Let me twitter him a barf. I can't change channels fast enough. Am I the only one? Who makes your blood boil? Speaking of CNN, there's a Times story about their reduced ratings, pointing a finger at the fact that they are more middle of the road than MSNBC or FOX. Being opinionated, apparently, pays. From the story: “I think there’s more than ever a need for a source of reliable, unbiased news,” Mr. Klein (Jon Klein, President of the CNN Domestic Network) said. But the (unnamed) veteran CNN correspondent suggested that prime time might demand something more: “It’s not sexy to be in the middle.

1 comment:

  1. I don't like Rick Sanchez either but I utterly despise Nancy Grace. What a shrill, grating voice. I hate how she over sensationalizes everything. Just thinking about her gets on my nerves. My brain cramps in revulsion.

    And, whatever happened to Headline News? Used to be when I wanted a quick fix I would flip the tv over there and get all my news in a few minutes. Now the HLN channel is all shows like Sanchez and Grace. Those aren't news. They're garbage.

    I also hate everything on Fox. Especially Hannity. I went on the Hannity and Colmes show once but couldn't get a word in edgewise. What is the point of having guests if all you are going to do is scream at your co-host for the whole segment.
