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Apr 27, 2009


OK, sorry for shouting. It just seems that the word "tabloid" calls for more typological volume than usual. Starting next Monday, readers of the Anniston Star will have to get used to that newspaper format (without any extra tabloid type volume) one day a week. Each Monday, The Star will be printed in tabloid size with a new name too. Read about it here...on the blog Star Editor Bob Davis writes. Like every newspaper everywhere, The Star has been struggling with the titanic forces pulling and pushing the industry. They hope the new shape and size and focus of the Monday paper...called JumpStart...will be at least a start toward addressing the new newspaper landscape. JumpStart will for forward looking, featuring stories about what's ahead for the week [as opposed to most Monday newspapers, which by necessity focus back on news from the weekend]. The Tuesday - Sunday papers will remain the same, but there are other positive changes ahead. Anytime any publisher tries something new these days a lot of other publishers watch carefully to see if it works, and I'm sure that's what will happen here. Good luck Star folks!
[*The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of this blog.]

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