Apr 9, 2009

Riley on BINGO Legislation

Gov. Riley tells The Press Register he's bothered by the monopoly aspect of the legislation, that only a few people would become millionaires because of the bill to restrict BINGO gambling to a half dozen sites.


  1. Not "only" a few but that a few would.

  2. Yes, but his use of the word monopoly implies limited benefits, suggesting that it woul dbe OK if there were a million millionairs created....why else complain about a "monopoly"?

  3. Hey! Y'all come on over to my place tomorrow and we'll have a BINGO party!

    Sshhh! Don' tell thuh guvnuh!

    Riley, IMO, is a complete idiot.

    That's putting it nicely.

    Say... didn't he take convicted felon Jack Abramoff's $13, 000, 000 money for an Indian gaming casino deal?

    He's a man NOT to be believed.

    No love lost when he's gone!

    Alabama will be better off without him!

    Go back to the egg farm!
