Apr 15, 2009

Teabagging in Montgomery

Dropped by the gathering on the steps of the Statehouse to share some photos of the protest. Certainly a good turnout...an almost all white crowd of several hundred, maybe 500? Here are some shots to give you a flavor for it.

Is it significant that virtually all of the protesters were white? Is race always a factor in Alabama? President Obama says his tax plan would reduce taxes for all but the wealthiest top ten per cent of the population. Is that who the protesters were? Alabama already has either the lowest or close to the lowest taxes in America. Are these protesters from out of state?

Should they be concerned about the money we're borrowing to get out of the fiscal mess we're in? Sure they should...we all should. But how come there weren't any tea parties during the eight years of the Bush Administration, which was left a budget surplus of $127-Billion from the Clinton Administration, and yet ended eight years later with a budget deficit of over $1-Trillion.


  1. Every year Clinton was in office, the national debt grew. There was no surplus handed to Bush. See http://www.craigsteiner.us/articles/16 for more details.

  2. No offense, Tim, but I think your crowd estimate is very low. Maybe 500? The crowd overflowed the State House across the street and up the hill. Here are some pictures from the Advertiser, and #2 is a distance shot. That crowd is FAR larger than "maybe 500".

