May 18, 2009

Byrne & Siegelman & Layoffs & Little

I picked a busy news day to be preoccupied with the job hunt, no? 1) Not a huge surprise, but Postsecondary Chancellor Byrne has resigned, presumably to run for Governor on the GOP ticket. Byrne was always impressive as a guest on FTR, and seems like the candidate to beat in the primary (IF he has enough money behind him!) I've been saying how much I would like to see a debate between him and Democrat Artur Davis. 2) Also: Don Siegelman's lawyers want to delay another sentencing hearing. 3) Plus: Over the weekend there was a prediction of 1,500 layoffs in Jefferson County, and possible bankruptcy, over the sewer mess. On top of the 1,000 US Steel layoffs, that's a mess for the Greater Birmingham area. 4) State Senate Majority Leader, Democrat Zeb Little, pleads guilty to drunk driving. But what happened to the leaving the scene of an accident charge? 5) And finally, word that some of the jobs at the new Hyundai plant near Montgomery may be crossing the state line to the new Kia plant in Georgia.


  1. Why were the two other charges against Zeb Little dismissed? Driving without a valid license is rather open-and-shut.

  2. Jay, as you are likely well aware, jurists have some discretion in their pronunciations of guiltiness or not in these type cases.

    For some, there may be extenuating circumstances that prevent a timely renewal of a driving license.

    I would not be amazed at a judge whom dismissed a case for driving on an expired license, after the accused showed evidence that the license was indeed current. Bear in mind, the license had previously been wholly valid. That is to say, it was not subjected to revocation or suspension for any other reason.

    What gripes me about Little's case is that (and I do not think myself the solitary one) who perceives that people of position, prestige and power are treated DIFFERENTLY than the "plebeians," or the average Joe/Jane Citizen.

    Differential treatment is NOT the basis for our nation's laws.

    However, what would be nice (and I think has been seriously neglected in most issues), is if those whom report the news would be more forthcoming with details in their story-telling.

    For example, were we to be told what the judge said, his rationale and reasoning for his actions, we might know something we don't now know... we would have an insight only available to the parties involved.
