May 29, 2009

Sen. Shelby and The Socialists

It's good to see that this time around the reports about Alabama's own Richard Shelby and the auto industry are including the fact that Shelby and the state have a pack of very big dogs in the fight. You may recall that the first time there was a bailout proposed for the car makers, Shelby was out there expressing outrage with barely a mention of the fact that he just might be protecting all of the "foreign" car makers that have plopped down in union-free Alabama. This morning Shelby was on the CBS Early Show and was expressing more outrage over the GM bailout (Socialist America!!! "We should have let the market forces work because there is no end in sight," is what he actually said), but at least the reports resulting from his appearance mention Hyundai in Montgomery and Mercedes in Vance and Honda in Lincoln (where they are reducing the size of their workforce) and Toyota in Huntsville. And wouldn't it be nice for some major media entity to go back and see exactly where Sen. Shelby was as Chair of the Senate Banking Committee during the time the banks were driving off a cliff?

1 comment:

  1. Is Senator Shelby really the story here, Tim? Surely you can TRY to be a bit more analytical and a tad less reactionary, no?

