Jun 25, 2009

24/7 & 365 too!

If I needed proof that you can't look away from your cyber homes for even a minute, the crash of my home PC proved it this week. It forced me offline for about 48 hours and look what happened while I was gone! A minister makes his call to the faithful a call-to arms. Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett die, leaving anyone with the word "star" attached to their names looking over their shoulders (no wait! Was Ed McMahon one of the infamous three?), It took just a couple of hours for one of the Tweeters I "follow" to post a Jackson joke, which I won't repeat here. Tough crowd out there on Twitter! Even dying doesn't spare you! City Stages, which I blogged about just before the crash, is also pronounced dead. A South Carolina Republican proves his party is diverse enough to include adulterers, and he's no less than the Chairman of the GOP Governor's Association! The U.S. Supreme Court rules 8 - 1 against high-school strip searches (by Republicans and Democrats), with Clarence Thomas the only pro strip-search vote (no, I'm not going there.), and David Letterman beat (Conan's) The Tonight Show, first time in 3 years! No vacations in cyberspace, that's for sure. Good to be back, and as soon as I can decide between a replacement PC or going to the dark side of Apple, I'll be back 100%. (-: [P.S. A good date to be welcomed back....on June 25th In 1868, Congress passed an Omnibus Act allowing for the readmission of Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina to the Union.]


  1. Go to the darkside my son. The apple will always love you. It will never abandon you like those other machines. : )

  2. Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with Chris, Tim!

    Yes... come to the "dark side." We have cookies!


    Once you go Mac, you'll never go back!


    You'll wonder why you waited so long!
