Jul 22, 2009

Our full-figured Surgeon General nominee

The Washington Post has "gone there"...publishing a story questioning whether Alabama's Doctor Regina Benjamin's weight should disqualify her from serving as Surgeon General, considering the significance of obesity and health. ABC News is also on it. Fair issue?


  1. Wow!

    This is an EASY ONE!

    The Quick-n-Easy answer is YES!

    (...just as much as Stephen Hawking's neuro disease - ALS - should prevent him from being Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge - a distinguished position once held by Sir Isaac Newton!)

    < sarcasm> Maybe our Surgeon General should be a bikini model, too! < /sarcasm>

    Must've been a slow news day on the Beltway...

    Isn't it time the racist misogynists publishing such drivel got a life?!

  2. This smacks of being a hidden form of fascism in which only the beautiful people are favored for leadership. The stated reason is to provide healthy role models for the public. The actuality, if this view were to be implemented, would be that many would be denied leadership roles and we would be deprived of their valuable service. I stand by our new Surgeon General!

  3. While it will obviously come across as politically incorrect to say so, in my mind it does make sense that a Surgeon General be scrutinized regarding their personal health choices when acting in a position related to management and advocacy of public health.

    That does not mean that she should be disqualified, but rather she should take on the role and demonstrate her ability to improve her health. Her health should serve as a model that people aspire too, not one that condones the poor lifestyle choices generally responsible for the obesity epidemic currently plaguing the country.
