Jul 18, 2009

Rep. Bright, or not?

You got me as to why Rep. Bright refused to give his name, but on the other hand, the "reporter's" threats, almost blackmail, are totally unacceptable. No legitimate journalist would ever say that. Is that the "new media" we hear about so much?

1 comment:

  1. This is disturbing on at least two accounts.

    First is Rep. Bright's dodge.

    The "reporter" (man with a video camera) introduced himself first.

    However, he didn't "buttonhole" Rep Bright, and ask for a moment of his time. That's easily done... if you have the skills. Apparently, he didn't.

    Second is the tone already set by Rep. Bright's unnecessary defensiveness by his tactic of avoidance.

    Not-so-Bright could have made excuse saying something like, "I'd really like to talk, but now's not a good time because I'm on my way to a meeting."

    No matter what the "reporter" said, it's a done deal. Here's the video. They both seem pretty stupid.

    One, a hound. The other, a dog.

    Together, they're Hound and Dog!



    Can I hear Elvis sing, "You ain't nothin' but a hound dog, please?"
