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Jul 10, 2009


I've never been much of a snake fan, believing that the best kind is behind twelve foot thick glass in a zoo or dead. We have snakes in Alabama...I once found a six foot "rat snake" in Birmingham, and a pet cat once came home with a much smaller garden snake sticking out from either side of its mouth, slithering in the air on both ends. I sent both of them back to their maker, presuming that all snakes are poisonous or capable of killing me in some other fashion, until proven otherwise. But TIME magazine is reporting on a much more seeerious snake problem in Florida that could become an Alabama difficulty soon. Pythons, bought as "pets" (these are troubled people!) and then let go in the wild after they get to big to care for. (They can grow to 20-feet!) TIME reports a python in Oxford, Florida killed a 2 year old child last week. Oxford is about 50 miles Northwest of Orlando, and the article says the growing python population is ssssslowly sssssslithering northward. Sssssounds to me like time to act!


  1. Head 'em off at the pass!

  2. *LOL*

    Skeered of snakes, eh?

    Don't know if the "snake problem in Florida that could become an Alabama difficulty soon."

    It think it has something to do with Florida's geography.

    Yet, it wouldn't warrant crying "WOLF!," or "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!," either, you know...

    But invasive species are an issue that warrants serious examination and the establishment of course(es) of prevention and action.

    The greatest problem (fault, if you prefer) are the owners. They're ill equipped to continue maintenance of the creatures once they're fully grown. That includes ownership of simians, and other wildlife.

    Come to think of it, there's a darn good reason why it's called "wild life."

    They're NOT domesticated!
