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Aug 6, 2009

FOUR Alabama Post Office locations may close

Despite increasing the cost of a first class stamp to 44 cents, The U.S. Post Office may have to close hundreds of retail locations---including four in Alabama---to balance the books. The complete list is here. Just click on the "USPS List" on the left side of the page. It indicates two Montgomery locations--Capitol Heights and Boylston, The Wynn Drive Station in Huntsville, and the the Eastside Station in Tuscaloosa may be eliminated. Not all of the hundreds of Post Office locations on the list will actually close. Now the political fights will begin, with local and Federal officials going to bat for their individual locations. But lets face it, The PO has a deficit of $7 Billion and carried nine-billion fewer pieces of mail last year than the year before. This year that's expected to drop another 28 Billion! There are inefficiencies in the operation for sure, but even fixing all of them won't make up for that kind of a drop. Saturday mail delivery is almost surely going to end as well.

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