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Aug 13, 2009

The Guv For Prez?

The Washington Times profiles Alabama's Bob Riley today, pointing out his lame duck status and dangles a possible presidential bid, suggesting the GOP establishment consider him for 2012. Riley gives the usual "no interest..but never rule anything out" answer, and says he's planning a motorcycle trip across Canada to Alaska. Alaska? Maybe he's planning on running for Post-Palin Governor there?


  1. Urg.

    The article is obviously slanted, even for a right-leaning paper. The Washington Times is owned by the Moonies and is considered a propaganda outlet.

    I consider Riley to be a good governor, compared with Wallace and Fob. But there are still a lot of questions about his administration.

  2. Oh all you tolerant liberals, Jay. I thought your side continually preaches that we're supposed to be tolerant of everybody's religion. Guess not.
