Oct 22, 2009

Help, please?

OK, I'm giving up searching for the answer to this blogging problem and asking YOU to help me find it. Like all bloggers, I frequently link to articles. I have found "Permalink" the most reliable method to use. But it's not always an option. Instead I'm offered Reddit or Bebo or Bloggy or Amen me! or AIM Share or a dozen more.
Enough! I just want a simple cut and paste address for the article to share it. Are any of those others like permalink so I can use them when Permalink is not available to link to an article in this blog?


  1. As a general rule, get the page specific to the article you want to link to (usually by clicking on its headline), that will give you a page that has only that article... You can then use the URL in the browser bar as a pretty reliable link . Just click in the address bar and copy and paste that where you need the link.
    Hope that is what you are looking for.

  2. Tim, I use a little add-on that appears as a sub-contextual menu item which gives me options to select from HTML, CSS, XHTML and several other items.

    It's available with crtl+click on my Mac. It's called BBEdit, and makes short work of creating links.

    Unfortunately, for you, it's not available... until you get your Mac.

  3. More to the point, however.

    If you were to use CopyPaste (another wonderful Mac tool - I think CopyPaste may be available for Windoze - you could copy the following html code and then refer to it again as necessary.

    < a h r e f = " " > < / a >

    There's a space between each item.

    When you use this HTML code, place the url (the place you want to refer your readers) in between the quotation marks. And in between the triangle/greater than/less than brackets, place the text from which you wish to link.

    < a h r e f = "OFFAir & ONline is Tim Lennox' blog" > h t t p : // timlennoxonline . blogspot . com/ < / a >

  4. Correction:

    It should appear THIS WAY, not the other.

    < a h r e f = " h t t p :// timlennoxonline . blogspot . com/">OFFAir & ONline is Tim Lennox' blog < / a >

    (I'm not feeling well, and just noticed my mistake.)

    As DD wrote, copy the url from the address bar, then paste the url into your code.
