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Oct 6, 2009

Penguin Flu???

OK, perhaps someone who works in shipping or in the health industry can help me here. I was watching a TV story about the swine fly vaccine arriving today and spotted a carton being opened by health-care workers. On the side was one of the caution labels that looked for all the world like a penguin with an international "NO" symbol through it.
It wasn't an HD signal, so All I got was a blurry photo when I TiVo'd back to it. Are they saying don't give the vaccines to penguins, or am I due for a yearly eye exam? Can someone help me identify it? And yes, I am paying way too much attention to TV News. (-:
[UPDATE: Read the comments on this post for the answer...which is don't allow the contents to freeze. I guess an ice cube would not have been as easily recognizable. (-: ]