Nov 10, 2009

The Times gets on the bandwaggon

     I've recommended a lot of New York Times links on this blog, so let me point out that this one is old news to readers of this blog. We pointed out here, On October the 25th, that it is the state opt-out (or in) option in health care reform that's going to create sparks for candidates for Governor.
     On the Alabama Democratic Primary side, it appears that the public option has become a major issue separating Sparks, who favors it, and Davis, who opposes it. I have not heard any of the Republican candidates embrace a public option, and since the House measure passed with only a single GOP vote, I don't really expect to. But we'll see.


  1. This is in reference to a campaign email that I received today from the Ron Sparks Campaign: Mr. Sparks, the Nation honors you as a Veteran that has sacrificed for this country. However, as a candidate I am disgusted with your campaign for using such an esteemed day to spew political vitriol. Yes, everyone received your tacky campaign piece that you sent on Veterans Day. A salute to Veterans would have been much more appropriate.
    Shame shame.

  2. Which Ron Sparks supports the public option? The one who told the BCA that he opposed the health care legislation going on in the House, or the one who told the NAACP and offered a press release about supporting it? It would be nice if he could be consistent on any issue other than gambling.
