Nov 10, 2009

Unsafe on any Base?

     The services at Ft. Hood Texas are about to begin. The President and First Lady have arrived. And hundreds, if not thousands, of military personnel have gathered to remember the 13 murdered by the traitor Major.

     The military has positioned walls made of trailer-truck sized shipping containers around the open area where the service is being held. Think about that. This is in the middle of a United States Military base in Texas, and the United States Military thinks it is necessary to build giant steel walls, to create a big bunker to protect the President and others at the service?
     Do they know something we don't? Since when does the most powerful military in the world, on one of its own huge pieces of property, need to do that for security?


  1. A military base is probably the most dangerous place for a President to be. No other place has as many high powered rifles and the people trained to use them. This is not a tolerant country. Criticism of government is healthy, but not the violent criticism that takes place today.

  2. What's spooky, is that they were infiltrated by a Islamofascist, knew about it all along, and ignored it.
