Dec 17, 2009

Is Birmingham BAD for MEN???

     No, it is the WORST city for America! So says an article in Men's Health Magzine. The Birmingham News points out that Men's Health has something of a history of dissing the state's largest city, so maybe the poor ranking should be expected.
     Anyway, magazines love these "ranking the cities, states, etc etc" stories because newspapers like The Birmingham News, and bloggers, like me, tend to write about them.

     I can't imagine what would make Birmingham any worse a city than any other for men. It's got football, beer...uh, more football. What else could a man want?

1 comment:

  1. Oh? You mean "BirmingDamn?"

    Let me know when it's safe to return.

    It's entirely ironic that the source of their debacle is a sewer system.

    Part II of "Things that make you go 'hmmmm...'"
