Dec 26, 2009


     If strangers got your cell phone and were able to look at all of the information it contains, would you be concerned? A state (Ohio) Supreme Court has ruled that police cannot riffle through your phone without a warrant any more than they can go thorough your purse or briefcase without one.
     That's especially important with the "smart phones" that allow internet access and the storage of huge amounts of data.
     The NY Times editorializes in favor of that ruling today.
     How would your state Supreme Court rule?
     Alabama's court is almost 100% Republican, which should mean...what? The GOP is the party of small government, we're told. They want the government out of our lives, no? Would that philosophy carry over to this issue? Or would the traditional GOP demand for public order trump the privacy concerns?


  1. Typically - and unfortunately - it seems that while on one hand Republicans purport to despise "government," or as you write, "the GOP is the party of small government, we're told" they take some strange delight in using it to their advantage while simultaneously damning it.

    Essentially, it's a schizophrenic view of government. Small government? With our nation's population, and the needs "we the people" have, I defy anyone to define "small" government, or assert that a government (employees and elected officials) half the size it is now could effectively perform better, as Republicans seem to assert would, could or ought to be the case.

    AL Supreme Court breakdown:
    100% White
    88.88% Republican
    66.66% Male

    Each justice serves staggered six year terms.
    First elected, most recent election

    1. Sue Bell Cobb, Chief Justice -D 2006, 2006

    2. Champ Lyons, Jr., Associate Justice -R 2000, 2006

    3. Thomas A. Woodall, Associate Justice - R 2000, 2006

    4. Lyn Stuart, Associate Justice - R 2000, 2006

    5. Patricia M. Smith, Associate Justice - R 2004, 2004

    6. Michael F. Bolin, Associate Justice - R 2004, 2004

    7. Tom Parker, Associate Justice - R 2004, 2004

    8. Glenn Murdock, Associate Justice - R 2006, 2006

    9. Greg Shaw, Associate Justice - R 2008, 2008

  2. They'll have to pry my Blackberry out of my cold, dead fingers!
