Jan 16, 2010

Bush beats Obama.

I missed this poll released on Wednesday...better late than never, I suppose. It shows that whites, by small majority, believe George Bush was a better Presidend than Barack Obama has been:

12. Do you think Barack Obama has been a better President than George W. Bush, worse, or about the same as President Bush?

Here are the results from the Quinnipiac poll.

71% of Black respondants supported Obama on the same question.


  1. Quninipiaxc University? Never heard of it.

  2. I've heard of QU.

    However, what strikes me is this entire polling thing.

    I find it a bit odd.

    For example, polling should have a purpose in mind. Typically, it is to serve as some guidance. Not a preconceived notion, but ultimately, what usefulness do these "findings" have?

    It proves nothing!

    If anything, it was a statistical exercise for some graduate students and a tenured professor.

    It's almost like asking what folks think about your silvery/grey hair, or whether you should wear a boutonnière, Tim!

    I mean, what's the point?
