On CBS-8 This Morning we're interviewing the candidates this month, so this week I've been able to hear from Roy Moore and Bill Johnson, both of whom supported the raid. But Johnson said he wants to hold a statewide vote to let the people decide the gambling question. Former Chief Justice Moore would have none of it, declaring even church raffles and office football pools illegal. (If we could tax every office pool we could solve the state's fiscal problems!)
Johnson, by the way, also endorsed initiative and referendum, though I had no time for a follow-up question about what those Libertarian articles of faith have done to California's ability to operate. It is one of life's frustrations these days....I was so spoiled by the FTR format, when I had lots of time to follow up....little five-minute interviews with callers seem so short!
Ron Sparks, who endorsed regulating and taxing gambling early-on, is shouting about that position in light of the non-raid....though you won't see his comments on his web site as of this hour. Why do campaigns have so much trouble releasing information on multiple platforms at the same time?
[UPDATE: Riley Administration goes to Alabama Supreme Court today to overturn the TRO.]
ALSO: the website MainJustice has an interesting column about the Middle Alabama District U.S. Attorney opening...still open a year into the Obama Administration. Apparently the White House is intimidated by Alabama two GOP Senators.
Wonder if WAKA would be interested in doing a FTR-type show.