Jan 8, 2010

J.V. Abuse

     A new report from the U.S. Department of Justice highlights the abuse of the boys and girls held in America's juvenile prisons.
Three of the six facilities operated by The Alabama Department of Youth Services are included in the report.
     The percentage of inmates who reported sexual victimization are:

  • Chalkville* Campus....3.8%
  • Mt. Meigs Campus....11.2%
  • Vacca Campus...........19.6%

     The report breaks down the reports into abuse by another inmate vs abuse by a member of the staff. Just 3.3% of the assaults at the Chalkville Campus were blamed on other inmates , Only .8% of the assaults were blamed on other inmates at the Mr. Meigs campus, and the Vacca campus reports blame just 2.2 % on other inmates.
     In other words, it's mostly staff members being blamed for the sexual assaults.

     None of the eight "contract" facilities...private facilities paid by the state to house juvenile offenders...appear in the report.

      You can see a list of those private facilities in The annual report from the Alabama Department of Youth Services  for 2008. The report also indicates a budget of almost $94 Million, and land holdings of some1,600 acres. It includes an organization chart, photos of program activities and buildings, and lists of the various board members, but not a single use of the phrase "sexual abuse". 

[*Last June I posted about the Prison Rape Elimination Commission identifying Chalkville as a problem facility.]

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how many of the kids in those facilities were initially placed there (or were introduced to the juvenile criminal justice system) because of a marijuana possession charge? Thanks for posting this Tim. I missed your report in the post you referred to. I've been a supporter of Stop Prisoner Rape for a few years.
