Jan 25, 2010

New Task Force Head

     So Mobile's D.A. is now head of the Governor's Gambling Task Force...think he was selected in any way at all because John Tyson ran against Alabama Republican Troy King for A.G. four years ago?
     There's a longstanding feud over gambling between Riley and King. Appointing Tyson will also give a more bipartisan flavor to Riley's effort to shut down the electronic Bingo industry.


  1. I stand by my previous comment which I shared in an earlier entry.

    I think John Tyson is a fine D. A. and would've served the people of Alabama far better than Troy King has.

    I still think John would make an OUTSTANDING chief law enforcement officer for Alabama!

    Bear in mind also, that prohibition of a thing does not preclude its regulation.

  2. I concur with Kevin's comment. Until the legislature can clarify the law, either one way or the other, this drama will continue. John Tyson has a stellar reputation. If he has doubts about all of this just points out the ambiguity of the law.

    Meanwhile, the hard questions like education funding, will a billion spent on road contruction really help the economy, and others go largely unanswered. At the end of the day, this whole bingo issue distracts us from the bigger issues we need to address.
