Jan 14, 2010

That slippery BINGO slope

     Quote in a Press-Register story by George Altman from Jeff Emerson, spokesman for Governor Riley, on why the administration is not contemplating raids on the casinos in the cruise ships that call Mobile home:

"People go to casinos specifically to gamble. They don't go on a cruise solely for that same purpose."
     Uh, people don't go to Country Crossing in Dothan solely to gamble either, do they? That didn't stop the task force from preparing to raid it. Anyway, how are you gonna determine why people go to these places? Hook 'em up to polygraph machines and quiz em? OK, Sir...you can go in, but your wife here....
     And what about football pools at the office...I guess they're OK too, since people don't go to work specifically to gamble. And that's not even getting into the "raffles" for churches and charities.
[UPDATE: The Governor is back in court, seeking permission to raid Country Crossing.]

1 comment:

  1. Uh, cruise ships fall under federal law. If they don't operate the slots in Alabama waters, which they don't, then there's no problem.

    What's most interesting is the pro-gambling folks making the argument that THOSE slot machines on ships are illegal, but not THESE slot machines at Victoryland and Country Crossings. Guess the cruise ships aren't sending any campaign contributions to them.
