Feb 5, 2010

BINGO Developments

  • The Wall Street Journal reports the Porch Creek Bank Band of Indians in Alabama are working on another facility in the Montgomery area.
  • Country Crossing founder Ronnie Gilley told CBS-8 yesterday in the 5:00 pm news that the Governor's actions are helping Native American gaming operations in Alabama... and in Mississippi.
  •  The Birmingham News reports that The ABC Board has ordered its employees to stay away from the electronic gaming facilities, and not to even be friends with people who work there.
  • Yesterday's Alabama Supreme Court ruling was NOT unamious. It was 7-2, with Chief Justice Cobb and Justice Woodall dissenting.
  • And I wonder: will the Alabama Department of Industrial Relations send in a Rapid Response Team to help the newly unemployed bingo center employees file for unemployment and/or find work?*
  • But the biggest question of all: will there still be raids if the places are closed? And if so, when?
* UPDATE: Monday, 2/8/10: hmmm, somebody must be reading this. Response Teams on the way!

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