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Feb 25, 2010

Job Loss Costs

     You think your job is killing you?
     New reserach reported in the NY Times this morning indicates loosing that positon could really do you in!    
     Alabama's unemployment rate--11%-- is well above the national average. Men suffer more heart attacks then women, and tend to make their jobs a bigger part of their lives and identities, so it isn't too shocking to see a connection between heart attacks and being laid off.
     Maybe what the character played by George Clooney in the movie Up in The Air needed was a bottle of asprin at this side, instead of those "packets" to ease the transition.  


  1. U.S. unemployment rate: 10.6%
    Alabama: 11%

    You think that's "well above"??

  2. yes, and neither of those numbers reflect those whove given up looking for work.

    it's too bad dc is so wrapped up with the healthcare power grab when so many americans just need a damn job.

    oh well, we'll just extend unemployment benefits to lifetime!
