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Feb 14, 2010

UAH Shooting Update

UPDATE Monday 2/15: Husband says they were cleared of mail bomb involvement.

UPDATE: The missing 1987 police report has turned can read it here. Lots of unanswered questions.

PLUS...the professor/Ph. D./suspect was also a suspect in a mail bombing attempt in Boston.

Does the University of Alabama do background checks on employees?
Who will play the professor in the inevitable True cable TV movie? (I've lost track a bit, would this be better programmed on Lifetime?)


  1. If there was no background check, look for a BIG lawsuit by the victims and their families.

  2. Dr. Bishop looks very much like Rosie O'Donnell.

  3. You're spot-on about that one, Jay!

    And justifiably so, I'd say.

    This is their new president Dr. Williams' downfall, to be certain.

    Didn't much care for him anyway... nor did many students, alumni, faculty or staff, either.

    Though his credentials are impressive, his callous appearance and his equally wounding cold words when he made an official university statement on their deaths, will not play well with anyone, either.

    Must be that "stiff upper lip" for which Brits are renown.
