Mar 10, 2010

Harry's Exam

     "Coming up on The CBS Early Show, Harry Smith has the first ever colonoscopy on a TV News anchor on live TV." Yes, that's what I heard myself saying this morning during CBS 8 This Morning...
     And sure enough, during the next hour, there were Katie and Harry making lots of  bathroom jokes, Katie dressed in white coat complete with stethoscope around her neck....and America getting  live view of Harry's insides.
     It is important for people over 40 to be tested for colo-rectal cancer, and certainly the broadcast raised awareness, but isn't it possible to have a conversation about this without resorting to High School locker room humor? (Yea, I hear you calling me an old fart, but are we all so immature that we can't discuss body parts without braking out into crude jokes?)
     Anyway, it was a good reminder...get tested, starting at age 50. Here are the facts.


  1. Glad I didn't watch this!

  2. Poo poo, tee tee... Hah hah - splat!

    Yeah, it's juvenile. But what does one do when attempting to communicate with idiots (adults whom read at 4th grade level)?
