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Mar 4, 2010

Race To The Bottom?

     Alabama did not make the cut in the competition to win so-called "Race To The Top" Federal education funds. The states that did all allow, or are in the process of allowing, charter schools, except Kentucky, which managed to become a finalist without them.
     Allowing Charter Schools was just one of the criteria used to award the funds, and I haven't seen any evidence that the only thing left for Alabama to do to qualify was pass Governor Riley's legislation.

1 comment:

  1. Charter schools are another name for private schools that get public tax dollars.

    They are NOT accountable to the public.

    Face it, if "charter schools" are all what they were/are cracked up to be - what with the lure of "easy money" from corporations, there's no prohibition against them now giving as much money as they'd like to public schools.

    Matter of fact, most corporations about which I've ever read want to keep MORE and make MORE - so to give money to schools would be a direct contravention of the profit motive.

    Further, no law prohibits them from opening and operating their own private schools.

    So why don't they do it?

    Charter schools = A Very Bad Idea
