Mar 28, 2010

The WHY of TWD

     You may know I have a thing about people talking on the phone while they are driving...the potential for an accident is bad enough, but the lesser impact is their incredibly s-l-oooooow pace. Move on folks!
     Anyway, the folks at the National Safety Council are out with a report explaining why people yabbing away on a cell phone are dangerous to themselves and others.Too much multitasking, they say. Why the same isn't true of a driver just talking with a passenger, I have no idea.
     Meanwhile, in this session of the Alabama Legislature, Rep. Jim  McClendon (R-Springville) introduced a bill ban texting while driving...not the bill he's introduced for years that would ban cell phone use by drivers all together. That bill has died every year, but the no-texting bill has a possibility of passing! Of course there are only eight meeting days left, so...

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