Apr 8, 2010

Law Professor: Slavery Ordained by God

     A story in the Montgomery Advertiser this afternoon about a writer who will not speak at a teabagger event in Wisconsin, because of his reported views on slavery, is missing this:
     John Eidsmoe, in additon to being an Alabama author, also was a professor at the Jones School of Law at Faulkner University in Montgomery and a senior staff attorney for the Alabama Supreme Court.


  1. The very same Faulkner that is already promoting an appearance next October by Sarah Palin.


  2. Tim & Jay: This is one of many reasons why I don't have anything to do with my alma mater or attend Churches of Christ anymore. Professor Eidsmoe also wrote the infamous decision in Alabama Dept. of Conservation v. Exxon when he and fellow Jones School of Law Professor Henry Fowler worked for Associate Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Tom Parker. If you weren't sufficiently shocked by Proessor Eidsmoe's views on slavery, you can read his book: Columbus & Cortez Conquerors for Christ and see how he feels about all of us Native Americans http://www.amazon.com/Columbus-Cortez-Conquerors-Christ-Eidsmoe/dp/0892212233

  3. How can one rectify God 'ordaning' slavery and the Christian doctrine of 'all created equal in the eyes of God'?

    Robby, I too was raised in the Church of Christ. I always found it to be a very oppressive doctrine. It was a huge influence on my current atheist/agnostic approach to things.

  4. Robby and Loretta--

    I think you will enjoy this blog. The moderator is herself an ex-C of C, a journalist and writer in Connecticut. She's written a very interesting book about her growing up in the C of C, "Dating Jesus."

    I often send possible material to both Susan Campbell and to Tim.


    Warning: That blog uses a clunky old version of Wordpress.
