Apr 2, 2010

On The Record Premier

    I just finished taping the first edition of the new CBS-8 program On The Record this morning. The thirty-minute program will air at 5:30pm on Sunday just before 60-Minutes. For those of you not in the Montgomery area, you'll be able to watch the week's program online starting at some point this and each Monday. Not sure when or if this will happen. Watch this space.
     Our guests for the first series of shows will be candiates for Alabama Governor. Democrat Ron Sparks is up first.
     OTR is pre-empted next Sunday for the Masters and Tiger Woods return to golf, but after that:

April 18 Democratic Candidate for Governor Artur Davis

April 25 Republican Candidate for Governor Robert Bentley

May 2 Republican Candidate for Governor Bradley Byrne

May 9  To be announced

May 16 Republican Candidate for Governor Tim James

May 23 Republican Candidate for Governor Bill Johnson

May 30 Republican Candidate for Governor Roy Moore

-----The Democratic and Republican Primary Election is on June 1st-----

June 4 The Democratic and Republican Party Chairs discuss Primary Election results.


  1. wow, timmay!!!! feds are snooping around montgomery and not a "peep" from you.

    don't tell me you haven't heard, big boy.

    where u at?????

  2. Uh, working for a living? The blog is like a hobby, and I've never promised to comment on everything that happens.

  3. Way to go, Timmy!

    Blow 'em outt'a the water!

    Make that idiot doofus Allan Pizzato sorry he ever fired you!

    There're a whole lotta' other more spicy pejoratives I could use to describe that inept, bumbling foul-up... but it's Holy Week, so I'll refrain.

    But he's messed up APTV so bad...

    Matter of fact, Pizzato's a liar.

    Talked with one of our HSV teevee news media folks about a month ago whom related a story about how Pizzato told him one thing one day, and lied to his face the next.

    That lack of character is what's driving APTV's ratings down the toilet.
