Apr 11, 2010

(S)MMM # 93 -- The 149th Anniversary

     149 years ago this morning...the telegram authorizing the firing on Ft. Sumter, the first event of the U.S. Civil War, was sent from the Winter Building at the foot of Dexter Avenue in Montgomery, first Capital of the Confederacy.

     That first shot came the next day, April 12, 1861. America was at war with itself for four years at a cost in life and limb unparralled in the history of the country. Next year will be the 150th anniversary of the war, so expect a lot more media attention to it.

[Note: OK, it's a bit of a stretch to consider this a Monday Morning Media Memo, or even a Sunday MMM, but the telegram was a media of sorts, precursor to the wireless communication that would change warfare forever.]

1 comment:

  1. My Great Grandfather whom emigrated from Ireland, enlisted in the Union Army at Corinth, MS and served as a farrier in the "1st AL Cavalry".
