Apr 6, 2010

The usual unusual

     In a Huntsville Times story this afternoon by Bob Lowry about the lobbyist-offering-money to Senate candidate Paul Sanford, the candidate is quoted as saying he had an "unusual conversation" with the lobbyist, but thought it was "politics as usual" in Montgomery.
     Which leaves me wondering which it was. Usual? Unusual? And if he thought it was the usual, did he shout loudly during the campaign that he was an exception and wouldn't follow the usual?
     And just asking, but since he was a candidate for office, what's wrong with asking his stand on an issue before donating to  his campign...unless, of course, the money was not going to be reported. (More on PAC to PAC secret donations in another posting....).
     Do you donate to candidates without knowing if they'll support your position on issues?

1 comment:

  1. I never contribute to candidates that don't support my issues. That defeats the purpose.
