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May 21, 2010

About North Korea

     Suppose for a moment that the ship the North Koreans apparently sank with a torpedo, killing 46 sailors, The Cheonan, was American instead of South Korean?
     Would Secretary of State Clinton be threatening a joint military exercise as a show of strength?
     Or would the U.S.Marines be offshore waiting for the U.S. Air Force heavy bombers to take out the North Korean defenses?
     This is more than a casual disagreement at sea. It was an act of war.
     Here in Montgomery there are a good number of South Korean residents because of the huge Hyundai plant. They must be asking what kind of a friend the U.S. is, if all we can do is wag our fingers at the North's aggression.
    Here's part of a CNN report:

Additionally, the officials suggested that putting North Korea back on the terrorism list could be counterproductive because the United States was not the target of the attack.

     Then again, the USS Cole was attacked in Yemen a decade ago, and the U.S. did virtually nothing then either.
    I suppose the U.S. military is stretched too thin now, with a never ending mission in Iraq and men and women dying to protect the corrupt "government" in Afghanistan.
   Oh well.


  1. You think we should go to war with North Korea?

  2. I would love to engage you in a conversation about the topic, but posting as "anonymous" doesn't make it worth while.
