Jun 15, 2010

Economic Bathroom Priorities

     How soft is soft enough...and at what point does softness get to be luxury. Yes, some economists are pointing to the increased sale of extra thick and soft toilet paper as a sign of the economic recovery, points out Executive Associate Editor-In-Chief J.C....here's the story.

     The story brings to mind the incredible American tragedy of those people who never learned that they are supposed to change the roll when one is finished. And that brings to mind Bob Corley's song:

Why Can't Some People Change the Toilet Paper Roll?

And it just so happens you can buy a copy of the single here, for just .99 (where did they put that "cents" sign on modern typewriters, anyway???) Go ahead...what's .99 cents anyway? Or listen to some of the other tracks on the CD and splurge...make it a Father's Day gift to Bob!

1 comment:

  1. Many years ago I figured out that Scott's TP is the most economical.

    And thus I've bought only that (in 12 roll packages) for lo, some 30 years or more.

    (No, I don't own stock in that company.)
