Jun 13, 2010

Father's Day

Tired of ties? Are golf-related gifts old hat? How about giving Dad a "beer holster*"?

     When it comes to dumb gifts, this ranks up there with the "chair" for dogs, so they can join you at the table. And if you're saying "But wait a minute Tim, I think this is a great idea!", then you've been drinking so much you don't put a bottle down long enough to need a holder!
     But wait, maybe this IS a great gift for Dad...if he's been drinking way too much, give him a holster so he CAN lay it down, if only for a few minutes. Heck, buy him two! That way Dad can really look like a total dork!

[*In the spirit of the Wild West, this holster keeps his beer ready for a quick draw whenever the need arises. Made of rugged leather, it snaps onto any standard belt and the adjustable nylon strap wraps around the thigh for additional support. A fun accessory for parties and tailgates, it also makes a convenient holder when he needs his hands free for grill duty. Exclusively from RedEnvelope.
* made of rugged leather
* adjustable nylon strap for additional support

* holster fits a 12 oz. can or bottle]

1 comment:

  1. This is a terrific idea. For rather tradition ideas, your readers might look at this page:

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